
Dispensing Propane Safely

In order to ensure your safety and the safety of your customers when dispensing propane, you should know about the fuel, equipment, regulations, and processes that are involved in filling various types of propane containers. This manual from the Propane Education & Research Council will discuss general information about dispensing propane safely, and also go into detail about the specific processes involved in filling various types of propane containers and vehicles.

Dispensing Propane Safely Video Series

Dispensing Propane Safely 1 0 Introduction SD

Dispensing Propane Safely 2 0 Properties and Characteristics of Propane SD

Dispensing Propane Safely 3 0 Dispensing Equipment SD

Dispensing Propane Safely 4 0 DOT Cylinders SD

Dispensing Propane Safely 5 0 Filling Small Cylinders SD

Dispensing Propane Safely 6 0 Forklift Cylinders SD

Dispensing Propane Safely 7 0 Refueling Motorhomes SD

Dispensing Propane Safely 8 0 Propane For Mowers SD

Dispensing Propane Safely 9 0 Propane Autogas SD

Safety Testing and Certification

Download the quiz and answer keys to PERC’s official testing documents as well as certification forms for DPS and employers.